BRS candidate Mallaiah Yadav confident of victory in Kodad, Jana Sena enters poll fray

TRS MLA Bollam Malliah Yadav is available in the constituency and implements the welfare schemes efficiently, while Jana Sena candidate Satish Reddy aiming for a maiden victory

Update:2023-11-22 17:29 IST

Assembly Constituency -Kodad

District: Suryapet

MLA: Bollam Mallaiah Yadav

Reservation: GEN

Total Voters: 2,30,406

Booths: 296

Urban Voters: 21%

Rural Voters: 79%

Male: 49.33%

Female: 50.67%

Caste & Religious Demography

  • Gen + BC: 70.70%
  • SC: 19.50%
  • ST: 9.80%
  • Hindu: 92.00%
  • Muslim: 07.00%
  • Others : 1.00%


Bollam Mallaiah Yadav (BRS)

Mallaiah Yadav was born on August 14, 1965 to Veeraiah and Veremma in Karivirala village in Suryapet district. He completed his MA from Osmania University in 1992. He is married to Indira and has three children. He began his political career with the Congress.


Mallaiah Yadav contested as an independent candidate from the Kodad Assembly constituency in the 2009 elections and was defeated by TDP candidate Chander Rao Vanepally. He shifted his loyalties to the TDP from the Congress in 2012. He served as the general secretary of the TDP and in-charge of Kodad Assembly constituency.

In the 2014 Assembly elections, he contested as an MLA for the second time on behalf of the TDP in Kodad and was defeated by Congress candidate Nalamada Padmavathi, by a margin of 13,437 votes. He once again shifted his loyalties to the TRS (now BRS) from the TDP. In the 2018 Assembly elections, he contested as an MLA on behalf of the TRS defeated Congress candidate Nalamada Padmavathi Reddy with a majority of 378 votes. He is a first time MLA.


In the 2023 Assembly elections, he is going to take on Congress candidate Nalamada Padmavathi and Jana Sena candidate Sathish Reddy.

Nalamada Padmavathi Reddy (Congress)

Padmavathi Reddy was born on June 17, 1967 in Hyderabad. She is a graduate in Architecture and was a student of Rishi Valley School and JNTU-Hyderabad. She also practiced interior designing in Bangalore for a few years. She is married to Nalamada Uttam Kumar Reddy, Congress senior leader and former TPCC president.


She began her political career with the Congress. Padmavathi is the first woman to contest from Kodad Assembly constituency. In the 2014 Telangana Assembly elections, she was elected as MLA for the first time, by defeating her nearest rival TDP candidate Bollam Mallaiah Yadav. In the 2018 Assembly elections, she was defeated by TRS candidate Bollam Mallaiah Yadav.

In the 2019 by-election, she contested as an MLA on behalf of the Congress after her husband Uttam Kumar Reddy was elected as an MP from Nalgonda. She was defeated by BRS candidate Shanampudi Saidireddy. In the 2023 Assembly elections, she is contesting as an MLA for the third time over BRS candidate Bollam Mallaiah Yadav.

Mekala Satish Reddy (Jana Sena)

Satish Reddy is Jana Sena in-charge of erstwhile Nalgonda district. He contested as an MP on behalf of the Jana Sena from Nalgonda parliamentary constituency. He was defeated by Congress candidate N Uttam Kumar Reddy. In the 2023 Assembly elections, he is going to contest as an MLA for the first time from Kodad Assembly constituency.

Assembly constituency information


  •  This Assembly constituency was formed in 1978. So far, 10 elections have been held in which the TDP won five times, the Congress won three times, the Janata party and the TRS won once from this Assembly.


  • Kodad, Mothey, Nadigudem, Munagala Chilkur and Ananthagiri mandals are in Kodad Assembly constituency.
  • In Ananthagiri mandal, one ZPTC and five MPTCs were won by the TRS and four MPTCs won by the Congress. After the 2018 elections the TRS became very strong in this mandal. BCs and Dalits are in majority in this mandal.
  • In Chilkur mandal, one ZPTC and six MPTCs were won by the TRS and the Congress won only four MPTCs. In Chilkur Yadavs and Vadderas are in majority and most of them support the TRS.
  • In Kodad, one ZPTC and five MPTCs won by the TRS and four MPTCs won by the Congress. Muslims, Yadavs and BC castes supported the TRS, and Reddies from this mandal supported the Congress and Uttam Kumar Reddy’s family.
  • In Mothey mandal, the TRS won one ZPTC and MPTC from this mandal. Malliah yadav has strongholds in this mandal. Yadavas, and BCs are majority and most of them will support the TRS. The Congress won only two MPTCs that too in Uttam close associates villages.
  • In Munagala mandal one ZPTC and five MPTCs were won by the TRS and the Congress also won five MPTCs.
  • Mallaiah Yadav has a stronghold in his own mandal Nadigudem and Yadavs majority in the mandal. In Nadigudem one ZPTC and five MPTCs were won by the TRS and the Congress won only two MPTCs.


  • Agriculture is the main source of livelihood in Kodad. Nagarjuna Sagar left canal provides water to the Assembly constituency area. Cement factories, rice mills and  colleges are major activities for public. 

Cultural / Historical / Religious Identifiers

  • Nadigudem fort, Indian flag designer Pingali Venkaiah lived here

2014 Assembly elections Analysis:

  • In 2014, Padmavathi Reddy won from the Congress. Bollam Malliah Yadav from the TDP-BJP alliance stood in second place. In 2014, various factors helped Padmavathi  win on ehalf of the Congress.
  • Uttam Kumar Reddy was an ex-MLA from Kodad. He won four times from Kodad. He has good contacts and relations in Kodad. People received her as she was Uttam 's wife. One more important reason was Uttam was projected as Chief Minister candidate in the 2014 Assembly elections; common people believed it and voted for Padmavathi.
  • The Congress had got more faith in Kodad because of Telangana formation and Uttam Kumar Reddy was nominated as TPCC working president. ex-MLA Venempally Chandar Rao helped the Congress because he was disappointed with the TRS as he did not get the party ticket even though he was the sitting MLA.
  • Uttam family and Padmavathi family have landlord background they spent more money in elections. People did not support the TDP-BJP alliance because of anti-incumbency against MLA Chandar Rao. He was from the TDP. Mallaiah Yadav contested on behalf of the TDP-BJP alliance.
  • The TRS did not perform well in the 2014 Assembly elections due to various reasons.

2018 Assembly elections Analysis:

  • In 2018, Bollam Malliah Yadav won as an MLA on behalf of the TRS from Kodad. Before this, he was defeated in two elections. In 2014, with less margin, he lost the elections as the TDP- BJP alliance candidate.
  • The Telangana Government's welfare schemes, sympathy on him for losing in two consecutive elections, and collective working of all the TRS leaders and mainly support from Venepally Chandar Rao helped him to win in elections.
  • Kodad Assembly ticket was given to Nalamada Padmavathi Reddy as part of the TDP and the Congress alliance, instead of Mallaiah Yadav. Uttam influenced not to allocate the TDP. Then he resigned from the TDP and he expressed his dissatisfaction before the media which gave him so much sympathy and made him win the elections.
  • There was an anti-incumbency on Padmavathi because she behaved like a visiting MLA to Kodad. People expected more developments from her but she did not develop the constituency as the public expected, but she blamed the TRS Government for that. This was one of the major reasons for Mallaiah’s victory in elections. Yadavas, Gouds, and Kammas voted for the TRS. The BJP depended only on sympathy votes and, moreover, the BJP candidate was not familiar with the Assembly constituency.

Current Situation

  • TRS MLA Bollam Malliah Yadav is available in the constituency. He always mingled with the public and implemented all welfare schemes in Kodad.
  • Malliah is focusing on developmental activities in Kodad and there is no anti-incumbency on him. But groupism within the TRS is disadvantageous to him.
  • After being defeated in the 2018 Assembly elections, Padmavathi Reddy is not available to the public and is mostly staying in Hyderabad.
  • The BJP is very weak in Kodad. Jana Sena candidate Mekala Satish Reddy is contesting as an MLA as part of the BJP-Jana Sena alliance.

Key Local Issues

  • Hundred-bed hospital
  • Mini Tank Bund
  • Roads expansion
  • Drain connectivity
  • Pollution

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