Distressed woman seeks MEA's urgent help to rescue her daughter from Saudi Arabia

Hyderabadi woman urged MEA to rescue her daughter, married to a Bangladeshi national working in Saudi Arabia.

Distressed woman seeks MEAs urgent help to rescue her daughter from Saudi Arabia

HYDERABAD: A distraught woman from Rajendra Nagar in Hyderabad has urgently sought the intervention and assistance of the Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) to rescue her daughter and three grandchildren from an allegedly abusive marriage in Saudi Arabia.

The matter came to light when Sabera Begum, a resident of Rajendra Nagar, approached MBT leader Amjedullah Khan seeking help to rescue her daughter and grandchildren, who are currently taking refuge in a hotel in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.

Responding promptly, Amjedullah Khan facilitated drafting a letter addressed to External Affairs Minister Dr S Jaishankar, which was also widely shared on social media to garner the necessary attention and aid.

In her heartrending letter to the Minister for External Affairs, Sabera Begum revealed the distressing saga of her daughter's marriage to Ali Hussain Aziz Ul Rahman, a Bangladeshi national employed as a driver in Makkah, Saudi Arabia. The Nikkah took place on December 21, 2013, and Sabera Begum, accompanied by her daughter, travelled to Makkah on February 4, 2014, on an Umrah Visa. Ali Hussain's assurance to secure an Iqama for her daughter after the visa expiration seemed to promise stability.

However, since the marriage, Saba Begum allegedly endured severe mistreatment from her husband, who reportedly curtailed her freedom, restricted her communication with her family, and subjected her to physical and emotional abuse. Despite these challenges, Saba Begum gave birth to three children - Abdullah (11), Khatija (9), and Ayesha (4).

The situation worsened when Saba Begum discovered that her husband had married another girl, Sadia Aqtar, a 17-year-old Bangladeshi national. The revelation was accompanied by disturbing details of Sadia Aqtar allegedly being purchased by Ali Hussain for twenty thousand Riyals, leading to domestic violence against her.

The distressing incident that prompted Sabera Begum to seek help occurred recently when her daughter, fearing for her life, escaped from her husband's residence in Makkah with her three children and Sadia Aqtar. The escapees are currently seeking refuge in a hotel in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.

In her plea to the External Affairs Minister, Sabera Begum implores for immediate assistance to rescue her daughter and grandchildren from the alleged abusive situation and facilitate their swift return to India.

As of now, the Ministry of External Affairs has not issued an official statement on the matter. The distraught mother anxiously awaits a response and intervention to bring her daughter and grandchildren back to safety.

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