Injured portion of intestine of MP Kotha Prabhakar Reddy removed by Yashoda Hospital
MP Kotha Prabhakar Reddy, who was stabbed my an alleged Congress worker, was operated upon and is recovering well.

HYDERABAD: Yashoda Hospital on Monday performed a surgery and removed the injured portion of an intestine of Medak MP Kotha Prabhakar Reddy who was stabbed my an alleged Congress worker.
Reddy was admitted to the emergency ward of the hospital and soon he was taken in for surgery as the doctors diagnosed that he suffered stab injury in his abdomen.
The hospital released a bulletin on the health condition of the MP and also the episode.
The report said: “K.Prabhakar Reddy, a 59-year-old person,, Member of Parliament, Medak District, came to our Emergency Department with alleged history of stab injury with sharp weapon (? Knife).
“Place of Injury: Surampally , Daulatabad Mandal
Time of Injury: 13:10hours
Date of Injury: 30/10/2023
“Initially managed at Gajwel area Hospital and then referred to Yashoda Hospital Secunderabad in Ambulance for further treatment and management at 3:00pm.
“Evaluated and stabilized in Emergency Department and Emergency CT was done, which revealed perforated bowel and hence taken for Emergency Exploratory Laparotomy immediately.
“Initially, Laparoscopic approach was tried and intra operatively it showed evidence of bowel perforation in four places (2 intestinal loops through-in-through) extending to surrounding mesentry.
“In view of time sense presentation and potential for peritonitis the surgical approach was converted to Open Laparotomy, as per guideline and 10cms bowel resection was done and End-to-End Intestinal Anastomosis was performed successfully.
“The Patient tolerated procedure well and is recuperating in post operative Surgical Critical Care Unit and is being managed by Multi Disciplinary Team of Surgical Gastroenterology, Critical Care and Allied Services with an expected post operative course of a week to 10 days in an uncomplicated course.
“We congratulate the quick response of police, Health Care and other services in bringing the patient in time as any delay would have likely caused bowel ischemia, peritonitis and other complications, which would likely have been life threatening.
“We would be monitoring the patient closely in Intensive Care Unit and keep providing periodic updates.”
The hospital also released pictures of removed portion of the perforated intestine.