Women juggle multitasking amid discrimination, judgement, guilt, stress, patriarchal mindsets

These challenges demand our attention and action beyond the confines of International Women's Day

Women juggle multitasking amid discrimination, judgement, guilt, stress, patriarchal mindsets

HYDERABAD: International Women's Day, observed annually on March 8, is a time when the world comes together to celebrate the achievements of women. From awards ceremonies to heartfelt social media tributes on platforms like WhatsApp, Instagram, and others, the day is marked by widespread recognition. However, amidst the celebrations, it's essential to pause and reflect: is this celebration enough? Are women truly content with the acknowledgment they receive? Is it adequate to confine our appreciation to just one day each year?

The reality is, women encounter significant challenges every day – be it at home, in the workplace, online or in public spaces. These challenges demand our attention and action beyond the confines of International Women's Day. That's why, on this occasion, NewsTAP Bureau took the initiative to engage in conversations with women from diverse backgrounds, shedding light on the everyday struggles they face. This endeavor seeks to amplify women's voices, highlight their challenges, and advocate for meaningful change.

Police Force

A woman cop advocates for ensuring that women in the police force, particularly at constabulary and junior officer levels, are not confined to desk jobs but are given visibility in fieldwork 24/7. This, she believes, will not only instill confidence in the public but also in the female officers themselves. She stressed the importance of gender sensitisation among officers and provides essential facilities like restrooms, transportation, and childcare to ensure their comfort.

According to her, equal work should be accompanied by adequate support systems to enable women officers to perform better without guilt or stress. She sees investing in infrastructure and support systems as essential for women officers to fulfill their responsibilities effectively. She warns that without such support, a significant portion of the force could become passive, leading to increased burden and stress on male officers.

Cyberabad DCP Cybercrimes Shilpavalli Konganti acknowledges the numerous challenges women still face in various aspects of life, despite their presence in leadership roles across sectors. She highlights the persistence of ingrained patriarchal mindsets, both among men and women, which eagerly await any sign of women faltering under pressure to reinforce outdated stereotypes.

Konganti stresses the importance of standing tall with confidence, demonstrating resilience in the face of adversity, and setting examples for younger generations. She believes that by showing courage and determination, women can inspire others to assert their rights and confront obstacles. Konganti calls for collective efforts to dismantle patriarchal norms and strive towards achieving gender equality in society.

Motor Vehicles Inspector

M. Sheethal Chowhan, a Motor Vehicles Inspector-RTA Hyderabad, points out how gender stereotypes can lead to biases and prejudice in her line of work. Despite facing challenges like irregular working hours, long shifts, and high-stress situations—especially as a parent to a 20-month-old child—she endeavors to prove herself and demand equal treatment.

She stresses the need for gender-specific facilities such as restrooms and changing rooms to ensure a comfortable and safe working environment amidst the demands of her job.


Dr. Saketha Reddy, a general physician from Hyderabad highlights two major challenges faced by female physicians and surgeons. Firstly, the issue of misrepresentation, where patients struggle to perceive women as capable doctors. She emphasises that a doctor's competence should never be judged based on gender. Secondly, she discusses the inappropriate behavior and questions often encountered by female physicians during online consultations, indicating the need for a clear boundary between professional consultations and casual conversations.

She shares a personal experience where a patient assumed she was not the doctor they had an appointment with, reflecting the prevalent bias against female healthcare professionals. Dr. Reddy also mentions the common misconception that female doctors are not as competent as their male counterparts, often leading patients to request a male physician's consultation.

Additionally, she expresses frustration with encountering flirtatious behavior and requests for personal contact information on social media platforms like Twitter, despite her efforts to provide professional assistance. Dr. Reddy hopes for societal change to address these challenges and create a more respectful and equitable environment for female doctors.

Content Creator

Namrata Sadhvani, a Parenting and Lifestyle Content Creator and Volunteer at Sayfty NGO, reflects on the privilege and challenges she faces in her role. While she acknowledges the privilege of flexibility and autonomy that comes with being her own boss, she highlights the irony of how her work is often perceived as frivolous and lacking importance due to societal biases.

She discusses the undervaluation of earnings in the content creator industry, often viewed as a mere side hustle rather than a legitimate career. Additionally, investments made to enhance one's content creation, such as training and team hiring, are often disregarded as unnecessary expenses due to the perceived instability of the field.

Moreover, Namrata addresses the unique challenges faced by mom influencers, including judgment and criticism for sharing their lives online. Despite this, she emphasises the positive impact of mom influencers in inspiring women to embrace motherhood and empowering future generations through their content.

New Born Photographer

As a newborn and maternity photographer based in Hyderabad, Valli Prakki, "I feel incredibly fortunate not to encounter gender-based discrimination or obstacles, thanks to the unwavering support of my mother, who encouraged my unconventional career choice, a husband who respects my work commitments without question, and a business partner who accommodates my needs and I wish every woman has the kind of support that they need."

However, she acknowledges the constant need for caution and vigilance that women experience when out in public, due to the prevalence of predators. She highlights the importance of staying alert, especially considering the disturbing incidents happening to women across the country, regardless of age.

Yoga & Welness Coach

Rina Hindocha, a Yoga & Wellness Coach based in Hyderabad, confronts various challenges in her professional and personal life. In her work, maintaining a consistent client base amidst a competitive market demands continuous marketing efforts and delivering high-quality classes, while innovating with new sequences and themes is essential for retaining student interest.

Managing administrative tasks such as scheduling and client communications alongside teaching requires effective time management, and staying updated with the latest trends in yoga is crucial for providing enriching experiences to her students. Balancing these professional challenges with her roles as a mother, homemaker, and caregiver to her elderly in-laws requires resilience and dedication, yet she finds fulfillment in creating a safe and inclusive space for her students to explore their practice and cultivate holistic well-being.

"At home, balancing the demands of household chores, childcare, and personal time can be a constant challenge. From managing schedules to ensuring everyone’s needs are met, there’s a lot to juggle. Additionally, societal expectations and gender roles may influence how responsibilities are divided, adding pressure to perform multiple roles effectively, '' she adds.

Civil Engineer

T. Spoorthi, Deputy Manager of the Hyderabad Metropolitan Water Supply and Sewerage Board (HMWSSB) in Manikonda, rightly emphasises the importance of recognising women's contributions in the field of civil engineering. As a manager at HMWSSB, she sheds light on the demanding nature of the job, where dedication and round-the-clock availability to the public are crucial.

It's vital to acknowledge that women in this field often face unjust criticism and are underestimated in their capabilities, particularly when it comes to on-site construction projects.

She believes this perception needs to change to ensure that women receive the credit and opportunities they deserve in both their professional and personal lives.

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