Bank officials harass farmer over unpaid loan, remove house door in Nenella

Bank officials forcibly removed a farmer's door in Nenella, demanding repayment of a loan taken in 2019, causing public outrage.

Bank officials harass farmer over unpaid loan, remove house door in Nenella

BELLAMPALLY: Bank officials in Nenella mandal allegedly harassed a farmer, Gattu Sivalingaiah, over an unpaid loan, removing the door of his house to pressure him into repayment.

Sivalingaiah took a loan of Rs 1.5 lakh from the Bellampally branch of Adilabad District Cooperative Bank in 2019 for his two-acre farm. He repaid Rs 80,000 in three instalments but was unable to pay the remaining amount due to crop losses and his daughter’s wedding expenses.

On Tuesday, bank officials visited his house and engaged in a dispute with his family members. When the family locked themselves inside the house, the officials reportedly removed the door and demanded the outstanding amount be paid. Villagers strongly objected to the bank’s aggressive recovery methods, criticising the farmer's treatment.

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