Dalit man’s mother tied to tree after inter-caste marriage, forced wedding attempt foiled

BC girl’s family sought revenge by attempting to marry off her mother to a mentally unstable man.

Dalit man’s mother tied to tree after inter-caste marriage, forced wedding attempt foiled

HYDERABAD: In a shocking incident reminiscent of a movie plot, a Dalit man’s mother was tied to a tree by the family of a BC woman after her son married their daughter against their wishes. The incident occurred in Kalakunta village of Pedda Kadubur Mandal in Kurnool district.

Six months ago, Govindamma’s son, belonging to a Dalit community, married a girl from the BC community in a love marriage. Following the marriage, the couple, along with their family, left the village due to rising tensions.

Recently, the boy’s mother returned to the village. Upon her arrival, the girl’s family and relatives attacked her, tying her to a tree. In a disturbing turn, they attempted to force her into marriage with a mentally unstable man as revenge for the inter-caste marriage.

Local residents alerted the police, who arrived in time to rescue the woman and prevent the forced marriage. The police intervened, untied her, and ensured her safety.

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