NASA astronaut Raja Chari finds Hyderabad 'Sare jahaan se accha', a la Rakesh Sharma

The Indian Independence Day festivities 2022 on Monday received a special celestial touch

NASA astronaut Raja Chari finds Hyderabad Sare jahaan se accha, a la Rakesh Sharma

HYDERABAD: The Indian Independence Day festivities 2022 on Monday received a special celestial touch.

Raja Chari, an Indian-American astronaut whose family has its moorings in our very own Hyderabad, posted an emotional tweet commemorating the special day that the whole of India and its diaspora around the world is rejoicing.

Raja Jon Vurputoor Chari, the US test pilot-turned-astronaut, is currently working at the International Space Station (ISS) on a crucial NASA mission. He found the best vantage point, not just to view the US but even catch a glimpse of his ancestral land, India, which is right now replete with patriotic fervour.

Chari may be a born-American but his Indian connect deep down is clearly unmissable. His tweet on the occasion of India's Independence epitomises the fact that anything Indian, anywhere across the globe, has a unique flow of emotions.

In his tweet, posted at 4:28 am on August 15, 2022, Chari said: "On Indian Independence eve I'm reminded of Indian diaspora that I could see from @Space_Station where my immigrant father's home town of Hyderabad shines bright. @nasa is just 1 place Indian Americans make a difference everyday. Looking forward to @IndianEmbassyUS celebration."

That Chari was keeping an eye on Hyderabad too from the ISS even while orbiting the earth is a matter of delight for everyone in the Deccan Capital. His tweet quickly went viral with thousands liking and retweeting it.

Even in the melee of this joy, the Indian-American spaceman's love and warmth for his ancestral land had taken everyone on a trip down the memory lane. Most Indians, who read this tweet, were hearteningly reminded of how Wing Commander Rakesh Sharma (then Squadron Leader) described India from the skies after becoming the first Indian astronaut to enter space 38 years ago.

His interaction with then Indian Prime Minister Indira Gandhi and his famous response taking off on 'Saare Jahaan Se Accha' is firmly etched in our memory even till today. To a query by the Prime Minister that she wanted to ask many questions, but she would ask only little and how did he find India from atop, Rakesh Sharma said: "With pride, I can say 'Sare jahaan se accha.'" (meaning the best among everything in the universe).

On April 3, 1984, he scripted history by making it to space on board Soyuz T11 rocket of the erstwhile Soviet Union.

Incidentally, Rakesh Sharma too has a strong Hyderabad connection. He pursued education in St George's Grammar School and graduated from the prestigious Nizam College of Hyderabad, before going joining the National Defence Acadmey for a career in Indian Air Force.

Netizens have once again been circulating the nostalgic video featuring Rakesh Sharma and Indira Gandhi on social media marking the 75th Independence Day Celebrations.

Raja Chari surely gets the credit for that and also for striking the right cords with the Indians on the most ideal occasion. Don't be surprised if his fan base witnesses a galactic swell after this.

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