Explainer: How to raise a consumer complaint

Do you wish to make a consumer complaint but are unsure how to do it?

Update:2023-07-29 16:03 IST



HYDERABAD: Do you have consumer grievances? Were you charged more than MRP for a water bottle or beverages in a restaurant? Do you feel duped by a travel agent or a service provider?

Do you wish to make a consumer complaint but are unsure how to do it?

Follow these simple steps the next time you want to file a consumer complaint

  • All the consumers of Telangana State can utilize the services from 10.30 AM to 5.00 PM on all working days.
  • Consumers can lodge their complaints through the website www.consumeradvice.in Telangana State Consumer Information Centre: (SCIC)
  • The Centre was formed in June 2014 in the office of the Commissioner of Civil Supplies and serves as an information, resource, counselling, and assistance centre for consumers in order to safeguard their rights.
  • The Centre is organising an Alternative Consumer Disputes Redressal System with the aim of addressing consumer grievances through non-legal means to decrease the burden of consumer disputes on District Forums.
  • The complainant can file a complaint on white paper or in the prescribed format provided by the Centre at no cost under this Redressal System.
  • Following receipt of the complaint, the respondent is served with a notice indicating a date for attending counselling at the Centre.
  • Every Saturday, the complainant and responder are summoned to the Centre for counselling.
  • After hearing both parties, the cases will be settled with the consent of both parties.
  • The unsettled cases, after three counselling’s are being advised to the District Consumer Forum concerned for settlement through legal measures.
  • Contact Telangana State Consumer Help Line Service 1800-42500333 for any queries.

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