Ayurvedic drug can help kidney recovery: Study

Patients suffering from ascites -- a condition in which fluid collects in spaces within the abdomen -- can be treated by Ayurvedic poly-herbal drug that has potential not only to slow down the progression of chronic kidney disease but also restore normalcy in functional parameters of the vital organ, a team of researchers has claimed.

Update:2022-07-09 14:37 IST
New Delhi: Patients suffering from ascites -- a condition in which fluid collects in spaces within the abdomen -- can be treated by Ayurvedic poly-herbal drug that has potential not only to slow down the progression of chronic kidney disease but also restore normalcy in functional parameters of the vital organ, a team of researchers has claimed.

In a study published in latest issue of Journal of Ayurveda and Integrated Medical Sciences, Assistant Professor Komala A, Siddesh Aradhyamath and researcher Mallinath IT from JSS Ayurveda Medical College and Hospital in Karnataka gave a range of Ayurvedic formulations along with AIMIL Pharmaceutical's innovation Neeri KFT for impaired kidneys.

"A dose of 20 ml of this ayurvedic formulation daily --morning and evening -- was given for a month," the researchers said, adding the outcome was positive.

The herbal drug not only helped protecting the kidneys of the patients from further damage due to the condition but also helped excreting the collected fluid from their abdomen.

The consumption of herbal formulation had flushed out fluid from the abdomen through the urinary tract, said the researchers.

The NEERI-KFT, a herbal medicine extracted from plants, is composed of herbs such as Punarnava, Varun, Sigru, Sariva, Makoi and Sirish, also known for their diuretic properties.

Sanchit Sharma from AIMIL Pharmaceuticals told IANS that in the past few years Neeri KFT has proven to be effective in strengthening the kidney as well as clearing toxic fluids from the body.

Ascites usually occurs when the liver stops working properly or it malfunctions, leading to a build-up of fluid in the space between the abdominal lining and the organs.

Ascites is the most common complication of cirrhosis (scarring of the liver). It affects around 60 per cent of people with cirrhosis within 10 years of their diagnosis, and the two-year survival rate is 50 per cent.

Patients suffering with ascites may have the symptoms like painless swelling in the abdomen that worsens rather than going away; abdominal discomfort; weight gain; feeling full after eating a little, shortness of breath as pressure increases in the abdomen, pushing up on the diaphragm and reduction in the space for the lungs to expand.


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