Glaucoma Awareness Week: Routine glaucoma screening prevents vision loss

A long-term increase in intraocular pressure, known as glaucoma, damages or destroys the optic nerve and results in permanent vision loss

Update:2023-01-05 13:20 IST

HYDERABAD: Glaucoma, also known as the "silent thief of vision," is a chronic, progressive, blinding disease that most people are not aware of. Glaucoma affects 79.6 million people worldwide, with India accounting for 12 million. Glaucoma causes almost 1.2 million people in India each year to go permanently blind.

A long-term increase in intraocular pressure, known as glaucoma, damages or destroys the optic nerve and results in permanent vision loss. The good news is that early detection of Glaucoma through routine screening may help to avoid further visual loss.


The patient may initially be unaware of the loss of vision because it begins in the peripheral fields and gradually progresses to the central field.

Some of the risk factors/people who might be at risk of glaucoma include

  • High myopes / high hyperopes i.e, people with large refractive errors
  • People with a family history of glaucoma
  • People with history of ocular injuries
  • People taking medications like steroids (in any form) for systemic illness
  • Chronic diabetes and hypertensives

Glaucomas are a group of conditions which may be

  • Congenital glaucoma - Present from birth
  • Juvenile glaucoma - Present in adolescence
  • Adult Onset glaucoma which can be Primary Open angle glaucoma/ angle closure glaucoma
  • Secondary glaucoma - Due to various causes like ocular injuries, chronic steroid usage etc

Annual eye exams that include visual acuity testing, intraocular pressure monitoring, and an optic nerve exam may aid in the early detection of the condition. Many people who prefer to get their vision checked at local optical dispensaries are missing out on a complete screening and, as a result, are presenting at late stages of disease where the situation is no longer salvageable.

Newer treatment modalities, such as lasers, minimally invasive surgeries, and topical eye drops with improved modes of action and fewer side effects, assist thousands of people each year in preserving their vision.

Dr. B. Pranathi, Sr. Consultant & HOD Ophthalmology Cataract, Glaucoma & Refractive Surgeon, KIMS Hospitals, Secunderabad


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