Tall claims of CM Revanth Reddy on timely salaries clash with reality; truth is otherwise

The ambiguity in the CM's statement about whether it pertains only to regular employees or all government service affiliates further fueled the controversy.

Update:2024-02-10 16:21 IST

HYDERABAD: Despite the Congress Government's assertion that all employee salaries have been disbursed, several categories of workers, including those in residential educational institutions societies and agricultural market societies, remained unpaid so far.

During his reply to the Motion of Thanks for Governor's Address in the Telangana Legislative Assembly on Friday, Chief Minister A Revanth Reddy proudly proclaimed, "Our people's government is the government that pays salaries on time," prompting a heated social media debate as numerous individuals voiced grievances over not receiving their due payments.

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The ambiguity in the Chief Minister's statement about whether it pertains only to regular employees or all government service affiliates further fueled the controversy.

The list of affected individuals is extensive, including 28,000 contract employees, 23,391 registered outsourcing employees, 33,843 teachers, and 27,990 helpers across 35,700 Anganwadi centres in Telangana. Additionally, over 20,000 Gurukul employees under TSREIS, TSWREIS, TTWREIS, and TMREIS are awaiting their salaries, along with nearly 27,000 Asha workers, whose protests for two months pending salaries have gained traction on social media.


Disputing the Chief Minister's assertion, BRS MLA T Harish Rao highlighted discrepancies, stating that salaries were not disbursed on the first date as claimed. "It is far from the truth that the salaries were given on the first day of the month. They remained unpaid even on the seventh day. About 12,660 EGS employees, thousands of IKPs, VOAs, outsourcing employees in dispensaries and contract staff in Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan have not been paid so far," he said.


Despite the Congress Government's proclamation of timely salary payments on February 1, thousands in various departments and categories face delays extending beyond two months. Official explanations citing technical issues are contested by the stark reality that not all government employees have received their salaries punctually.

BSP Telangana President RS Praveen Kumar questioned the Chief Minister on social media, asking whether Gurukul employees were considered government employees or not. "First is the date for the salaries of government employees. Aren't the Gurukul employees government employees?" he asked while tagging CM Revanth Reddy in a post on 'X'.

Social media platforms, particularly 'X' (formerly Twitter), have seen a surge in posts expressing discontent with the Telangana Government's alleged delays in salary disbursement. Concerns over financial challenges are particularly pronounced among doctors under the National Health Mission (NHM) in Telangana, with three months of unpaid salaries.

Similarly, contract lecturers in Telangana claim pending salaries since October 2023.

Municipal corporations and municipalities are not exempt from the issue, as a significant number of employees face pending or delayed salaries. The Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation (GHMC) employees are among those grappling with prolonged salary delays.

However, the employees' associations have a different view on the issue.

Telangana Udyogula Sangham President A Padmachary told NewsTAP that employees of all categories were paid salaries before February 5. Those in the 01 category - Secretariat employees, direct government employees within the State headquarters and outside — got the salaries on February 1. However, when asked about teachers of residential educational societies, Anganwadi and Asha workers, he said there could be a delay for societies. Further, he said Anganwadi and Asha workers were not regular government employees.

TNGO President Jagadeeshwar said most employees got salaries before February 5. But some more were yet to get it.

Even those in agricultural marketing societies did not get salaries for two months. Same was the case with Asha workers and Anganwadi teachers. Agricultural Marketing Societies would usually pay the salaries from their internal accruals.

For Anganwadi and Asha workers, the budget gets released only once in 3 months and that has been the practice. For other societies, like the residential schools, there could be a delay, but they would get the salaries anytime before the 10th of the month, he said.

Dr S M Mujeeb Hussain, President of TNGOs Hyderabad, told NewsTAP that payments were on time but in some places, they were yet to be released. He wanted the government to appoint a senior officer for better coordination.

In the light of these widespread complaints, Chief Minister Revanth Reddy's assertion of timely salary payments appears to be applicable only to regular employees, leaving thousands in various other government-affiliated bodies in disarray, still awaiting their overdue salaries.


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