Can ChatGPT give fitness plan? Man loses 11 kg, nutritionists say machine no replacement to humans

A man identified as Greg Mushen dropped 26 pounds by following a diet plan created by ChatGPT

Update:2023-07-14 13:06 IST

HYDERABAD: AI has undoubtedly taken over our daily lives. Many experts have been sceptical of ChatGPT's ability to replace regular jobs since its inception. A man dropped 11 kg by sticking to a ChatGPT dieting plan; indicating that ChatGPT can also replace nutritionists and dieticians.

So it appears that ChatGPT will now take over the roles of a dietician and nutritionists, as ChatGPT helped a man in reducing weight without the help of a gym or nutritionists.


A man identified as Greg Mushen dropped 26 pounds by following a diet plan created by ChatGPT, according to a ‘Business Insider’ report. Greg disliked running initially, but sought the chatbot's help in developing a balanced training routine. Greg now runs six days a week and looks forward to his exercises. He even shed 11 kilos in the process.

Surprisingly, the initial steps of Greg's training regimen did not include any running. The plan suggested taking small, gradual steps to ease into running. He was told to leave his shoes by the door on his first day, and the next day he was suggested to plan a run in his calendar.


As his training continued, Greg sought advice from ChatGPT to help him deal with any discomfort that he came across during the training. Greg's positive experience with the AI-generated workout plan highlights the value of adding technology into fitness routines.

Dr V Deepika, Certified Nutritionist said, "AI can provide valuable insights on diets, but it cannot replace a nutritionist's personalised guidance, emotional support, cultural and lifestyle understanding, expertise in complex conditions.


Individuals with complex health conditions, such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, or gastrointestinal disorders, often require specialised dietary plans.

"Nutritionists possess the expertise to develop tailored meal plans that addresses these specific conditions while considering potential interactions with medications and other treatments. AI algorithms may not have the depth of knowledge or understanding required to manage such complex cases. Also nutritionists have the ability to assess a person's progress, make adjustments to dietary plans when needed, and adapt strategies based on ongoing feedback and results."


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