GHMC releases posters on dog attack prevention for displaying in schools, public places

The posters, which can be displayed in schools, public places or any institution, has eight tips of preventing dog attacks

Update:2023-02-27 18:28 IST

HYDERABAD: Owing to the recent uproar about the increasing stray dog attacks in the City, the veterinary wing of the Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation (GHMC) has officially released posters comprising the tips and tricks to prevent dog attacks.

The posters, which can be displayed in schools, public places or any institution, has eight tips of preventing dog attacks and certain things one can do in case they are attacked.


The tips are:

Never go nearer to that Dog when it is eating or in sleeping position or to a Female Dog when its puppies are moving around. It may suspect or get scared thinking that you harm it or its puppies. As a result, it may bite you. Don't throw sticks or stones on Dogs under any circumstances.

Don't go to puppies or allow your kids to go to them. If so, the Mother Dog may bite you in the process of protecting its puppies.


Never walk fast when Dogs stand near you. If you do so they may chase you.

Don't look straight into the eyes of Dog. It is nothing but provoking it if you do so.

Don't go nearer to a dog which is chained or kept inside fencing.

Stand without any movement like a tree when any Dog approaches you barking loudly. Keep both of your hands adjacent to your body firmly. Let the Dog smell you. The Dog after smelling you goes away usually without biting you.


In case any Dog attacks to bite you then lie down on the ground by bringing your knees close to your chest. Your Posture should be like a ball. Close your face with your hands so that Dog would not bite you on the face.

When a Dog approaches you or runs behind you then - Don't turn back and run. Stand like a Statue. Look at only the ground and walk slowly towards the backside.

The following advices were given in case of dog bites -

Keep the affected part of the body under flow of water, wash it with Soap, press it firmly for 10 mints

Rush to the nearest hospital and consult the Doctor immediately.

Get Vaccinated Anti Rabies without fail

However, it is important to understand that these aren’t complete prevention from dog attacks. Dogs’ behaviour depends on how a human treats them. Dogs do not attack people if they don’t feel a threat or without any reason. Dogs that are fed and given water by humans also do not have tendencies to attack humans. In case a dog chases you when you have food items, throw the food towards the dogs. There are many such things which can be understood about street dogs and how humans and dogs can live in harmony.


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