Hyderabad police, HCSC host STREE summit to promote women's mental health

The inaugural session was followed by the release of the research paper on Family Environment, Social Media Usage, and Adolescent Girls' Well-Being;

Update:2023-07-12 17:45 IST

HYDERABAD: The Hyderabad City Security Council (HCSC), in partnership with the Hyderabad city police, held the first of its kind initiative 'STREE Summit' for women's wellness and empowerment on Wednesday at the Telangana Police Integrated Command and Control Centre.

The inaugural session was followed by the release of the research paper on Family Environment, Social Media Usage, and Adolescent Girls' Well-Being: an Analysis from a Psycho-Semantic Perspective by Osmania University by the dignitaries on the dias.


C.V. Anand, Chairman of HCSC, said "This is a milestone for HCSC, and today this STREE Summit will have a plethora of key takeaways. HCSC brings together awareness-raising programmes run by several forums, such as the Cyber Security Forum, the Women's Forum, the Traffic Forum, the Anti-Narcotics Forum, and the Security Forum .Today’s topic, with the tagline Hear Her Roar, is extremely relevant to today’s date. Our Bharosa centre is diligently working towards women’s safety."


Dr. D. Nageshwar Reddy, Chairman-AIG Hospitals, mentioned in his keynote remarks, "At AIG, we have 60 percent women, and their loyalty and sincerity inspire us to do better and achieve success. There's stronger evidence that the woman's brain is stronger than man's brain and woman's brain as they can multitask. Today, girls are outshining boys in many fields."

He expressed concern about women's mental health and wellness, as well as the reality that women are more proficient at work than men. Women should speak up about their mental health in order to lessen the stigma associated with it. STREE can do an amazing job of assisting women with mental health difficulties. He also emphasised physical health, the importance of eating healthy food, and the link between gut health and mental wellness."

The volunteers of Champions of Change received certificates for their dedicated services towards societal welfare causes.


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