Pakistani national Mohammad Faiz entered India through Sanauli in Uttar Pradesh

According to South Zone DCP P Sai Chaitanya, Mohammad Faiz, a native of the Swat region of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa in Pakistan came to Hyderabad to meet his wife Neha Fatima and was staying here illegally

Update:2023-09-01 15:02 IST

HYDERABAD: The Pakistani national who was caught by the Bahadurpura police in Hyderabad for staying illegally without proper travel documents and visa in the Kishangunj area entered the country via Nepal.

According to South Zone DCP P Sai Chaitanya, Mohammad Faiz, a native of the Swat region of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa in Pakistan came to Hyderabad to meet his wife Neha Fatima and was staying here illegally. He was taken into custody for not having a valid Pakistani passport and a visa to enter India.


“He met Neha Fatima in Dubai while they both were working in Desert Studio garment factory there in 2018. They got married in 2019 and had a son who is three years now. After Neha returned to India, he could not meet her because he couldn’t get an Indian visa,” the DCP said. Fayyaz took the help of his in-laws Zubair Shaik and Afzal Begum to reach Hyderabad via Nepal, a known route for illegal transit to India.


Fayyaz entered India from the Sanauli border checkpost in Uttar Pradesh in November 2022. From there he took different trains to reach Hyderabad. Police recovered an expired Pakistani passport, flight tickets, and boarding pass from Dubai to Khatmandu as proof of his stay in Khatmandu.

However, police denied reports that Faiz acquired Aadhar in Hyderabad. “He applied for Aadhar but his application was rejected due to lack of authentic supporting documents,” the DCP said adding that Telangana police sought the help of the Uttar Pradesh police to check how a Pakistani national without proper travel documents was allowed to cross the border at Sanauli.

Police said that Faiz came to India to stay with his wife and son and they had no information of Faiz having relations with any terrorist outfit.


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