SFI-ASA-DSU panel wins HCU student union defeating ABVP-OBCF-SLVD alliance

The CPI (M)-backed Students Federation of India-led panel has posted a resounding victory in the elections against the ABVP-OBCF-SLVD coalition in student union elections of HCU

Update:2023-02-26 09:18 IST

HYDERABAD: The CPI (M)-backed Students Federation of India-led panel has posted a resounding victory in the elections against the ABVP-OBCF-SLVD coalition in student union elections of Hyderabad Central University (HCU) on Saturday.

The SFI-ASA-DSU alliance has emerged victorious, with students indicating that the victory is a rejection of religious politics and their interference in universities.

Ambedkar Students Association (ASA) and Democratic Students Union (DSU) have always been opposed to the BJP-backed Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad (ABVP).


The SFI panel made the centralization of education in the garb of New Education Policy, corporatization, stopping of universities’ autonomy, revocation of fellowships, and the implementation of entrance examinations like CUET for national admission as election issues.

Prajwal- president of HCU students union

The SFI, which played a crucial role In the previous elections, won again in a row.

Out of a total of 5,133 votes, Prajwal (SFI alliance) was elected the president with a majority of 588 votes over the ABVP alliance candidate Balakrishna, who secured 1,838 votes.


Kripa from the SFI alliance, who contested for the post of general secretary, won by a majority of 892 votes against her rival George (who got 2076 votes). Prudhvi Sai (ASA) from the SFI panel was elected the vice-president by securing 1,861 votes, defeating Shanti Mujumdar (ABVP alliance) who secured 708 votes.

Kripa Maria George - general secretary of HCU students union

Katti Ganesh (ASA) from the SFI panel was chosen the joint secretary with 1,578 votes, defeating Kapil Dev Nayak (ABVP alliance) who got 567 votes.


SFI candidate Likhith Kumar (1,789 votes) won by a margin of 471 votes as cultural secretary against Reetanjali Patra (ABVP panel).

Ch Jayaraj of the DSU, won as sports secretary by a majority of 177 votes securing 1,544 votes against the ABVP panel.

Shipha Minz won the ICC (GS-Cash) Integrated position with 351 votes, Hritik Laxman Lalan won the ICC (GS-Cash) PG position with 987 votes, and Subashini S.S won the ICC (GS-CASH) Research position with 468 votes. All belonged to SFI panel.

The SFI HCU Committee and the Telangana State Committee expressed their gratitude to the HCU student community for electing the SFI alliance.

Final Votes after Confirmation:

President (Prajawal):

SFI -ASA-DSU - 1838


ASD Front - 472

YISS - 200

Nota - 150

Invld - 21

ASA (SFI Panel)won by 588 Votes

Vice President(Prudhvi Sai):

SFI -ASA-DSU- 1861


ASD Front - 554

Yiss -153

Nota -180

Invld - 19

ASA(SFI Panel) Won by 708 Votes

General Secretary(Krupa Maria George):

SFI-ASA -DSU- 2076


ASD Front - 489

Nota - 158

Invld- 18

SFI won by 892 votes

Sports Secretary(Ch Jayaraj):

SFI-ASA-DSU - 1544


ASD Front - 715

Nota - 148

Invld - 49

DSU(SFI Panel) Won by 177 Votes

Joint Secretary:

SFI -ASA-DSU - 1578


ASD Front - 658

YISS- 198

AISA- 159

Nota - 155

Invld - 68

DSU (SFI Panel) Won by 567

Cultural Secretary:

SFI-ASA -DSU- 1789


ASD Front - 622

Nota -191

Invld -14

SFI Won by 471 Votes

●ICC GS CAAH ( integrated):

SFI - 352

ABVP - 226

NOTA - 36

Invld - 18

SFI Won by 126 Votes.

Name: Shipha Minz

●ICC GS CASH ( Research).

SFI - 468

ABVP - 255

ASD - 133

YISS - 108

AISA- 79

SFI Won by 213 Votes.

Name: SS Subhakankshalu


SFI Panel - 987

ABVP -752

AISA -175

Nota - 181

Invd - 50

ASA(SFI Panel) Won by 235 Votes


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