Tension grips Asian theatre at Uppal after power cut, police pacify angry audience

Tension gripped Asian Theatres in Uppal after moviegoers staged a protest due to the halting of the show following a power cut

Update:2024-03-09 10:56 IST

HYDERABAD: Tension gripped Asian Theatres in Uppal after moviegoers staged a protest due to the halting of the show following a power cut. However, the situation was brought under control after the intervention of the police.

According to available details, the movie "Gami" was screened at Uppal Asian Theatre at 7:30 PM show.

As the movie was midway, power supply went off, leaving the audience angered and also anguished.


The unexpected power cut forced the theatre management to abruptly halt the screening, prompting theatre staff to ask the viewers to leave the premises.

Tension escalated at the theatre when tickets were issued to the audience for the 10.30 pm show and the movie not screened. On receiving information, the police intervened on reaching the theatre to address the grievances of the angry audience.

The police pacified the agitated crowd and had the ticket money refunded to the disappointed moviegoers.

Meanwhile, people criticised the Congress government for the power cut and failure of governance.


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